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  • The 8th SMILE Mission Science Study Team and Consortium Meeting Held at ESTEC

    The 8th Consorting Meeting for SMILE Mission Science Study Team is successfully held at ESTEC in Feb13-16, 2017. More than 50 experts and engineers attended the meeting. They are from UCL-MSSL (UK), Leicester Univercity (UK), University of Calgary (Canada), University of Liege (Belgium), University of Graz (Austria), ESA, ESTEC, NASA-GSFC (USA), Johns Hopkins University (USA), University of Bergen (Norway), RAL Space - Warwick Univercity (UK) and CAS-NSSC (China), CAS-SECM (China), Polar Research Institute of China, National Center for Space Weather, etc.The meeting was co-hosted by the study scientist C. Philippe Escoubet (ESTEC), and Chief Scientist Prof. Wang Chi (NSSC, CAS), and Prof. Graziella Branduardi-Raymont (UCL).

  • SMILE Executive and Technical Meeting held in Beijing

    On Jan. 18-20, SMILE (Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer) Executive and Technical Meeting was held in National Space Science Center (NSSC), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing. 7 in total of ESA (European Space Agency) delegation attended the meeting.

  • ESA and NSSC Announced a Joint Call for A Space Science Mission

    On January 19, 2015, the European Space Agency (ESA)’s Directorate of Science and Robotic Exploration and the National Space Science Center (NSSC) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), have announced a joint call for a scientific space mission. The joint announcement solicits proposals from the scientific communities in the ESA Member States and in China. It is the first time ever that ESA have issued a joint call in this way with other space science agencies.
