DecThe SMILE SWT#14 and Consortium meeting #8 was held in ESAC, Spain
18-20 November 2019, the SMILE (Solar Wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer) Mission 14th Scientific Working Team and Joint Meeting was held at the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) in Spain.
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NovThe 10th Forum for New Leaders in Space Science Held in Washington DC
Jointly organized by National Space Science Center (NSSC) and Space Studies Board (SSB), the 10th CAS-NAS Forum for New Leaders in Space Science was held in Washington DC on 28-29 Oct, 2019. The theme of the forum is planetary science and space earth science.
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OctSMILE Satellite System PDR Review Meeting Held in Beijing read more +
SepThe 2nd Strategic Forum on Space Science Held in Beijing
The 2nd Strategic Forum on Space Science dedicated to the frontiers and opportunities of space science has been successfully held in Huairou, Beijing, 4-5, Sept. 2019. As joint host of the forum, National Space Science Center and International Space Science Institute, Beijing Branch (ISSI-BJ) invited prominent discipline scientists from major space science research areas, as well as representatives from space research institutions of major space powers, e.g. USA, Europe, Russia and Japan etc.
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AugSMILE Ground Support System Preliminary Design Review Successfully Completed read more +
JunInvites application for the position of ISSI-BJ Executive Director read more +