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  • EP captures its debut in-orbit images


    EP captures its debut in-orbit images

    The 7th Joint Workshop of the Einstein Probe Consortium was held in Beijing from 24 to 26 April.These findings guided a range of ground - and space-based telescopes to carry out crucial follow-up observations in multi-wavebands , including optical facilities like Keck and VLT , radio telescopes like VLA .Einstein Probe is one of the series space science missions of the Strategic Priority Program on Space Science ( Phase II ) led by CAS . It is also an international collaboration mission with contributions from the European Space Agency ( ESA ) .

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  • EP Performs as Expected in the First Month of the In-orbit Commissioning


    EP Performs as Expected in the First Month of the In-orbit Commissioning

    Following the successful launch on January 9 , 2024 , the Einstein Probe mission has entered the in-orbit commissioning phase which is scheduled to last approximately five months .The attitude control stability and maneuvering speed meet the scientific requirements , and the data transmission of the links between the satellite and ground channels is stable .The performance verification observation will commence from mid to late March . Origin : Time Domain Astronomical Information

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  • China Successfully Launched the Einstein Probe


    China Successfully Launched the Einstein Probe

    At 1503 CST on January 9, 2024, a CZ-2C rocket launched the Einstein Probe, a space science satellite, into orbit from the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre.

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  • An ISO Technical standard published with contribution from NSSC


    An ISO Technical standard published with contribution from NSSC

    An ISO Technical Specification ( ISO/TS 19159-4 : was published by the International Standard Organization ( ISO ) in Nov .Information of this ISO standard is as follows : Geographic information — Calibration and validation of remote sensing imagery sensors and data — Part 4 : Space-borne passive microwave radiometers .And supports by experts from other national standard institutions and the team of TC211 . More information can be found at https : / / www . iso . org/standard /.

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  • The session on Prospects and challenges in space science held in Haikou


    The session on Prospects and challenges in space science held in Haikou

    On 23 Nov. 2022, the session on Prospects and challenges in space science in the framework of United Nations/China 2nd Global Partnership Workshop on Space Exploration and Innovation was successfully held in Haikou China

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  • The SMILE SWT#20 and Consortium #14 meeting Held


    The SMILE SWT#20 and Consortium #14 meeting Held

    On 1-4 November 2022, the SMILE (Solar Wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer) Mission 20th Scientific Working Team (SWT) and 14th Joint Meeting was held in university of Leicester, United Kingdom.

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