MayChina Focus: China builds radar network to support global space weather forecast
This undated file photo provided by the National Space Science Center ( NSSC ) shows the high-frequency coherent scattering radars located in northwest China ' s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region . ( Xinhua ) BEIJING .Is also one of the main international organizations participating in the International Meridian Circle Program proposed by China . ? ( Xinhua ) ?.
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MayThe flight model of Magnetometer for SMILE mission has been delivered to ESA
On March 14 2024 , the Flight model of MAG ( Magnetometer ) , one of the payloads onboard SMILE satellite , passed the Acceptance review in Shanghai , China . Experts from IAMC ( Innovation Academy for Microsatellites of CAS ) .ESTEC ( European Space Research and Technology Centre ) , AIRBUS Defense and NSSC ( National Space Science Center ) set up a joint review panel , carried out inspection of MAG FM . Acceptance review of MAG flight modelSMILE .
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MaySMILE Milestone: SMILE to ride Vega-C for Space
The European Space Agency ( ESA ) and Arianespace officially signed a launcher services contract for the launch of the Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer ( SMILE ) on a Vega-C launcher from Europe ’ s Spaceport in French Guiana . ? ? SMILE is a mission-level China-ESA collaboration in the field of space science .The integrated satellite will then be transported to the Kourou launch site in French Guiana for pre-launch tests and preparations . ? Related link : https : / / www . esa . int/Science_Exploration/Space_Sc to_launch_ESA_solar_wind_mission ?.
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AprProf. Chi WANG presented Zhongguancun Award for International Cooperation to Prof. Alvaro Gimenez
Special Delegate of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation to the Spanish Space Agency and a member of its Board of Directors . He was honoured for his great contribution to China-ESA cooperation in space science during his time as ESA ' s Science Director .In particular for promoting the Solar Wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer ( SMILE ) , the joint CAS-ESA mission .
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AprEP captures its debut in-orbit images
The 7th Joint Workshop of the Einstein Probe Consortium was held in Beijing from 24 to 26 April.These findings guided a range of ground - and space-based telescopes to carry out crucial follow-up observations in multi-wavebands , including optical facilities like Keck and VLT , radio telescopes like VLA .Einstein Probe is one of the series space science missions of the Strategic Priority Program on Space Science ( Phase II ) led by CAS . It is also an international collaboration mission with contributions from the European Space Agency ( ESA ) .
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FebEP Performs as Expected in the First Month of the In-orbit Commissioning
Following the successful launch on January 9 , 2024 , the Einstein Probe mission has entered the in-orbit commissioning phase which is scheduled to last approximately five months .The attitude control stability and maneuvering speed meet the scientific requirements , and the data transmission of the links between the satellite and ground channels is stable .The performance verification observation will commence from mid to late March . Origin : Time Domain Astronomical Information
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