SMILE Light Ion Analyzer Passed Interface Critical Design Review and Pre-Shipment Review
From January to March in 2021, European Space Agency (ESA) organized two reviews about Light Ion Analyzer (LIA), Interface Critical Design Review (I-CDR) and Pre-Shipment Review (PSR), being carried out through several video meetings.
After two months careful preparation, LIA team delivered the data packet by the end of 2020. After that, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and ESA jointly collected the lists of Review Item Discrepancies (RIDs).
On January 16, 2021, the first video meeting was held. Subsequently, LIA team promptly responded to the RIDs, updated data packet, and completed supplemental tests, including the Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) test and the high voltage power off test for Reduced Electrical Mode (REM). Further detailed discussion meeting about RIDs and data packet was held on February 8 and 9. On February 24, ESA organized Pre-Shipment Review (PSR) meeting to discuss the shipment safety of LIA, which aims to ensure the protection of people, goods and environment. So far all to-do activities are almost completed, open actions will be dealt with Requirement for Deviation (RFD) and applied for Requirement for Wavier (RFW).
After three-month of discussion and consultation through video meetings and e-mails, I-CDR and PSR successfully passed. At present, Electrical Mode (EM) and REM have passed through the PSR and are ready to be shipped to Airbus.

Fig. Reduced Electrical Mode (REM) and Electrical Mode (EM) of the LIA instrument