SMILE Ground Support System Preliminary Design Review Successfully Completed
On August 20, 2019, The Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer (SMILE) Ground Support System (GSS) team completed a successful Preliminary Design Review (PDR) meeting in Beijing. Experts from project management, Satellite System, Chinese Control Center (CCC) system, Science Application System (SAS) and independent peer reviewers attended the meeting.
During the review, GSS team effectively demonstrated the system architecture ,subsystem design as well as the interfaces design, which meets all system-level requirements within schedule constraints. The review board discussed and reviewed the system design, and all issues raised could be closed within time-out dates. No major or particular concern has been raised. The objectives of the review had been fully achieved. The review board concludes that the review is successful.
Due to the success of the PDR , GSS current development status is satisfactory to proceed towards the Ground Segment (GS) PDR and Mission PDR.