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Prof. WU Ji Elected Deputy Chairman of COSPAR

Editor: | Jul 19 , 2010

The new leadership of COSPAR was generated during the period of the 38th COSPAR Assembly on July 17th, 2010. Giovanni Bignami from Italy was elected as the chairman of COSPAR. Chinese Scientist WU Ji and America scientist Robert Lin were commonly elected as the deputy chairman.

It is the first time for scientist not from Europe or America being as the deputy president since COSPAR was established more than 50 years ago. It reveals that the space science improvements achieved in China has been recognized internationally. Furthermore, the international cooperation in space science for China will be promoted effectively.

COSPAR is the highest academic organization in space science. Since its establishment in 1958, more than 50 international academic organization doing space research has become members of COSPAR. CN-COSPAR, short for Chinese Commission of COSPAR was established in 1994. More than ten year after its establishment, CN-COSPAR has organized Space scientists from China to join in various academic activities such as COSPAR Assembly held every two years and other symposium as well as publishing National report of Space science in China. The 36th COSPAR Assembly was held in China. In 2008, Jeoujang Jaw Awardwas jointly set up by COSPAR and CAS granted to the scientists who have contributed dramatically to promoting space science research and building new space science research and exploration program. 
