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Prof. WU Ji Honored with Certificate for Contributions to Success of IHY

Editor: | May 24 , 2010

Prof. WU Ji, Director of Center for Space Science and Applied Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CSSAR), was honored with a certificate for his creation vision, outstanding leadership, and significant contributions to the success of the International Heliophysical Year 2007.

The International Heliophysical Year (IHY) was a landmark international program of scientific collaboration. Thousands of scientists from more than 70 countries were involved in it. Along with programs devoted to research, outreach, and historical preservation of the IHY 1957, activities of IHY 2007 included the deployment of new instrumentation arrays especially in developing countries, and an extensive education and public outreach component.

Since 2005, Prof. WU Ji, started to promote IHY in China. He gave presentations in several national academic symposiums on the history of IGY and the content of IHY. He was also appointed as the only member from China at the IHY International Steering Committee. From 2006-2008, CSSAR has organized several IHY activities, including the International Meridian Observation Circle for Space Environment Monitoring, IHY Summer School in Asian and Pacific Region, etc.
