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China launches second Olympic weather satellite Fengyun-3

Editor: cssar | May 28 , 2008

General Affairs Office, CSSAR--China launched a second Olympic weather forecasting satellite, the Fengyun-3 (FY-3) at the Taiyuan satellite launch center in Shanxi Province on May 27.

The 2,295-kilogram satellite will provide accurate and timely information about weather changes to facilitate more precise weather forecasts during the Beijing Olympic Games.

Fengyun-3 is a second generation polar-orbiting meteorological satellites made by China. It carries a dozen of equipment and can work in all weather conditions and cover the whole globe of the earth.

3 of 11 payloads on Fengyun-3, microwave hygrometer, total amount of ozone detector and space environmental monitor are developed by CSSAR, CAS.

