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CSSAR 2008 Annual Work Conference Held in Beijing

Editor: cssar | Feb 26 , 2008

General Affairs Office, CSSAR--2008 Annual Work Conference of CSSAR was held from Feb.15 to Feb.16 in Beijing. The director WU Ji, the secretary of Party Committee LI Yonghai, vice director LIU Bo, WANG Chi and LIAO Fangyu, the assistant director GONG Jiancun, XU An, academician JIANG Jingshan, chief engineers, assistant chief engineers, directors of each administration and research division, altogether over 60 attended the meeting. 

WU Ji delivered a report entitled “Analysis on current development and perspective of 2008”. He analyzes the opportunity and challenge for CSSAR, proposes to enhance research of development strategy, stresses the gap between current situation and the objective, and gives a detailed solution. He also deployed work plan of 2008.

Pan Jiaofeng, director of CAS Bureau of Planning & Strategy made a report on strategy research and reform development of CAS.

Afterwards, XU An, director of Sci-tech Research & Development Division, WANG Shuzhi, director of General Affairs Office, LIN Kexin, director of Quality & Standardization Management Division, YU Youjun, director of Human Resources Division, PAN Rong, director of Assets & Finance Division, gave talks on the topic of development strategy for each division.

WU Ji gave suggestions for all reports from divisions based on introduction to background of administration division reform, pointed out that work of administration division should focused on activities of Sci-tech, and deployed the following work on completion of the strategy.
