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Jingshan Jiang became part-time Tutor of doctoral students of Beihang University,

Editor: " | Dec 22 , 2005

On the afternoon of April 14, 2005, the ceremony of “appointing Academician Jingshan Jiang to part-time professor, Tutor of doctoral students and Beihang University signing cooperating agreement” was held in Beihang University. Vice-president of Beihang University, Jinpeng Huai issued letter of appointment for Beihang part-time professor, Tutor of doctoral students to Academician Jingshan Jiang on representative of Beihang University.

The director of CSSAR, Ji Wu and Vice-president of Beihang University, Jinpeng Huai signed the cooperating agreement together, representing CSSAR and Beihang University separately. They also expressed their best wishes to each other, hope that the cooperation will be successfully and Academician Jingshan Jiang can help Beihang University to bring up more and more excellent students!

The subscription of cooperating agreement in the field of Space Micro Wave Remote Sensing of CSSAR and Beihang University indicated that the cooperation of the two institutions have entered the virtual stage.

After the ceremony was finished, Acadimician Jingshan Jiang gave a scientific lecture on “Development of Micro Wave Remote Sensing Information Science and the work of NMRS of National ‘863’” to the teachers and students in Beihang University. It’s the first time for him to give lecture to them in the status of part-time professor and tutor of doctoral students. The lecture interested the teachers and students a lot.
