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CSSAR Holds 2008 Annual Conference of Work Summaries and Award Ceremony

Editor: " | Jun 15 , 2009

CSSAR--January 16 (2009), CSSAR held its annual conference of 2008 work summaries and award ceremony. The conference released comprehensive reviews and summaries of CSSAR's various missions and tasks in 2008, celebrated the receptions of excellent performance awards by outstanding collectives and individuals after 2008 assessment, and concluded with festival show of performance arts. Leaders present at the rostrum included CSSAR director Wu Ji, CCP committee secretary Li Yonghai, CSSAR vice directors Liu Bo, Wang Chi, and Liao Fangyu, Academician Liu Zhenxing, Jiang Jingshan, and Wei Fengsi, the Workers Union president Wang Shuairong. CCP committee secretary Li Yonghai presided over the conference. The conference brought together more than 600 attendants.
