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ISSI-BJ POST-Doctoral Position Announcement

Editor: | Oct 29 , 2013

PO Box 8701 Beijing 100190 China ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■


ISSI-BJ POST-Doctoral Position Announcement

International Space Science Institute-Beijing (ISSI-BJ) is an institute of advanced studies of space science, where scientists from all over the world meet in a multi- and interdisciplinary setting to reach out for new scientific horizons. ISSI-BJ was jointly established by the International Space Science Institute (ISSI) located in Bern Switzerland and the National Space Science Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (NSSC, CAS) located in Beijing China.

ISSI-BJ and NSSC invites applications for a post-doctoral position in Astronomy and Astrophysics for a two-year period starting in February 2014 or by agreement.

Post-Doctoral Position

The position is open to candidates from all countries and the Institute provides a stimulating, international environment where English is the common language. Chinese candidates shall have priority and are encouraged to apply.

The successful candidate should have received a Ph.D. degree within the last five years in high-energy astrophysics and should be fluent in spoken and written English and Chinese. Salary and conditions of employment will be similar to those provided by NSSC.

The applicant should have a background in numerical methods for computational hydrodynamics and MHD, and radiative transfer. We have specific interests in wind accreting neutron stars in X-ray binary systems. The successful candidate will be expected to develop a code for MHD numerical simulation for wind model for OB supergiants with both a spherical and a non-spherical symmetric clumpy wind, and explore the resulting effects of wind accretion of a neutron star.

The successful candidate will participate in the Institute’s research and meetings program and will work in close contact with Prof. Maurizio Falanga of ISSI-BJ and Prof. Chi Wang of NSSC. The successful candidate is expected to have around 20% administration duties for ISSI-BJ. The candidate will be involved in organizing international meetings and will be exposed to, and interact with, worldwide numerous and varied communities of scientists.

Further information can be found from website of ISSI-BJ (http://www.issi-beijing.ac.cn/ ) and NSSC (http://www.nssc.ac.cn) and directly contacting Prof. Maurizio Falanga (e-mail: mfalanga@nssc.ac.cn).

The submission should include a letter of application providing an outline of his/her research background, his/her curriculum vitae, and an exhaustive list of his/her publications. Names, addresses and means of contact and reference letters of two referees supporting the applicant are also requested. The application should not exceed 10 pages in total. All relevant documents should be submitted as a single PDF file by e-mail to mfalanga@nssc.ac.cn and issibj@nssc.ac.cn.

Applications have to be submitted before December 31st, 2013.  The selected candidates will be invited for an interview at ISSI-BJ by mid-January 2014.


Tel: +86 10 6258 2899 Fax: +86 10 6258 2899 Email: mfalanga@nssc.ac.cn
