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(2014,10.12-17, Xi'An, China) SCOSTEP’s 13th Quadrennial Solar-Terrestrial Physics Symposium (STP13) Second Announcement

Editor: | May 22 , 2014

Plans are underway for the thirteenth Solar-Terrestrial Physics Symposium of the Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP), which will be held in Xi’An, China during October 12-18, 2014. The scientific sessions of STP13feature the chains of physical processes that operate in the solar terrestrial domain. These are: (i) the mass chain in the form of plasmas and particles emitted from the Sun, (ii) the electromagnetic radiation chain in the form irradiance (total and spectral) and flare emissions, and (iii) the intra-atmospheric chain representing energy flow from Earth into space. The processes considered include the generation of energy in the interior of the Sun and near Earth and its flow in various directions. In particular, the symposium will address recent advances in solar dynamo theory and predictions of the future solar activity, long-term variations of solar activity and their impact on terrestrial climate, and the origin and probability of solar extreme events. Finally, a one-day workshop session will be held to analyze the data collected during the MiniMax24 campaign.

The STP13 scientific sessions consist of tutorial lectures/keynotes in the mornings and focused presentations (overview talks, invited talks, contributed papers) in the afternoons.  Original research papers are solicited on any of these topics or on topics related to other aspects of Sun-Earth connection. Papers involving the origin and consequences of the current weak solar activity are encouraged.

Registration Deadline: June 30, 2014

Abstract Submission Deadline: July 31, 2014

Financial Support Request Deadline: May 31, 2014

Speaker List

1. Mass Chain - Keynote speaker:  Vladimir Obridko

a. Origin, evolutions, and Earth impact of coronal mass ejections - Invited Speakers: J. Zhang (overview), Victor Grechnev, ST Wu, Dan Baker, Dominique Fontaine

b. Origin, evolution, and Earth impact of high speed streams- Invited Speakers:  Ian Mann ((overview,TBC), Yuri Yermolaev, Gang Lu, Reiner Friedel, Ryuho Kataoka (TBC)

c. Origin, evolution, and Earth impact of energetic particles from solar, magnetospheric and galactic sources - Invited Speakers:  Annika Seppala (overview), Stan Solomon (TBC), KarelKudela, Ed Cliver (TBC), Charley Jackman, Bernd Funke, Eduard Kontar (TBC)

2. Electromagnetic Chain - Keynote Speaker: Leif Svalgaard

a. Long-term solar variability (magnetism, total irradiance, and spectral irradiance) and its impact on geospace and Earth - Invited Speakers:  Dibyendu Nandi, Sami Solanki, jie Jiang

b. Origin of solar flares and their impact on Earth’s ionosphere/atmosphere - Invited Speakers: Jean-Pierre Raulin (overview), LudgerScherliess (TBC), Kazu  Shibata, Phil Chamberlin

c. Coronal, Interplanetary and Terrestrial radio bursts - Invited Speakers: Stuart Bale (overview), Yao Chen, Ying Liu, Alessandro Bemporad, VratislavKrupar, Iver Cairns (TBC)

3. Intra-Atmospheric Chain-  Keynote Speaker: Toshitaka Tsuda (TBC)

a. Geospace response to variability of the lower atmosphere - Invited Speakers: Franz-Josef Luebken (overview), Weixing Wan, Huixian Liu, Marianna Shepherd

b. Trends in the entire atmosphere, including anthropogenic aspects - Invited Speakers: Jan Lastovicka , Alexei Danilov (TBC), Ana Elias

c. Regional, hemispheric and inter-hemispheric couplings and transport in the atmosphere - Invited speakers: William Ward (overview) , K. G. Ratovsky (TBC), YvanOrsolini, Rolando Garcia (TBC)

4. Workshop to analyze Sun-to-Earth MiniMax24 Events  Keynote speaker: Pete Riley (TBC)

5. Space Weather Meridian Session - Invited Speakers:  Chi Wang (overview) John Foster, Michael Ruohoniemi, Tony van Eykan, BodoReinisch, Qian Wu, Shunrong Zhang, Hongqiao Hu, Xiankang Dou

Other Highlights

Review talks on CAWSES and VarSITI programs

SCOSTEP Science Award ceremony (Senior and Young Scientist)
