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The SMILE SWT#19 and Consortium #13 Video meeting Held

Editor: | May 16 , 2022

10-13 May 2022, the SMILE (Solar Wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer) Mission 19th Scientific Working Team (SWT) and 13th Joint Meeting was held successfully. Because of the pandemic, the meeting was still held on line.

The meeting was co-chaired by Wang Chi, chief scientist of China, Professor Graziella Branduardi-Raymont, chief scientist of the European Party and Philippe Escoubet, project scientist at the European Space Agency (ESA). Scientists from ESA, China, United Kingdom, Austria, Belgium, United States of America, Brazil, Czech Republic, Japan, as well as project team from European Space Technology Centre, European Space Astronomy Center, European Space Control Center, Chinese engineering team, satellite system, payload system, ground support system and scientific application system, and other relevant personnel nearly 90 people attended the meeting.

According to the agenda, the 10th was the Modeling Working Group (MWG) #32 meeting. It covered several related topics, such as finding magnetopause standoff distance using X-ray images, IMF By effect on the latitudinal position of cusp, relation between magnetopause position and reconnection rate, etc. The 11-12th was the SWT #19 and Joint Meeting #13 meeting. The reports include engineering advances and some related academic results. The 13th was the Data Format and Calibration Working Group meeting. The points include Quick-Look data generation at European Space Astronomy Centre, the service of Table Access Protocol for accessing to the SMILE archive at European Space Agency, and Expected SXI X-ray events FITS file format, etc.

This videoconference has achieved the purpose of communication progress. Finally, it was initially determined that the next SWT and Consortium meeting will be held on line on the 1th -4th Nov, 2022, with the alternative way in the United Kingdom.
